ERASMUS Mobility competitions

Teaching staff mobility to the Polish General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces from 24 June till 28 June, 2024

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for teaching staff mobility organised by the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from 24 June to 28 June 2024. 
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching staff mobility to the International Military Leadership Course organized by the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from 24 June to 28 June, 2024.
Mobility aims to deliver lectures to international cadets during a training module on a multidimensional military environment, its impact and benefits in various military operations, as well as to manage syndicates and group work. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist Gundega Zanda at Room 359. 
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to the Austrian Theresa Military Academy from 21 May to 24 May 2024

Austrijas Terēzas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 21. maija līdz 24.maijam

There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Austrian Theresa Military Academy (Theresan Military Academy) from 21 May to 24 May 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise  of the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from May 21 to May 24, 2024.
Mobility is aimed at observing lectures and conducting a syndicate during the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise, organised by the Theresan Military Academy. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Teaching mobility at the Norwegian Defence University College from 13 May to 15 May, 2024

Norvēģijas Aizsardzības Universitātes koledžas docēšanas mobilitāte no 2024. gada 13. maija līdz 15. maijam

Opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organised by the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) from 13 May to 15 May, 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) in Oslo, Norway, from 13 May to 15 May, 2024.
Mobility aims to deliver lectures at the Institute for Defence studies/Command College and meet with representatives of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee.  Lectures on the theme "Public opinion and defence policy: survey evidence from Latvia" will allow representatives of the Institute to expand knowledge and promote understanding of the National Armed Forces and defence policy in Latvia.  
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Nicolas Balcache Land Force Academy staff development mobility from 22 April to 27 April 2024

Nikolā Bālcešu Sauszemes spēku akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 22. aprīļa līdz 27. aprīlim

Opportunity to apply for the staff development mobility of Nicolae Bălcescu Land Force Academy in Romania from 22 April to 27 April 2024. 
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds staff development mobility at Nicolae Bălcescu Land Force Academy in Romania from April 22 to April 27, 2024.
Mobility aims to improve theoretical knowledge for the NDAL personnel and familiarise themselves with the organisation and implementation of the International Military leadership training Module of the Nicolae Bălcescu Land Force Academy. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programmes for Land Forces cadets.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Polish Air Force Academy staff development mobility from 22 April to 26 April 2024

Polijas Gaisa spēku akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 22. aprīļa līdz 26. aprīlim

The opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Polish Air Force Academy from 22 April to 26 April 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds staff development mobility to the Polish Air Force Academy in Demblyn, Poland, from 22 April to 26 April 26, 2024.
Mobility aims to discuss the possibility for both institutions to exchange staff under the ERASMUS + programme, by lecturing on various military expertise, as well as exploring opportunities for the exchange of cadets. Cooperation on the training of officers with the Polish Air Force Academy has not been sufficiently active in recent years, so such a visit would be a first step towards intensifying cooperation between the two institutions, recognizing the wishes and opportunities of both sides of the mission for further cooperation. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the PR Officer Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff Development Mobility to the Italian Naval Academy from 23 April to 25 April 2024  

Itālijas Jūras spēku akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 23. aprīļa līdz 25. aprīlim

The opportunity to apply for the Italian Naval Academy staff development mobility from 23 April to 25 April 2024. 
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Italian Naval Academy from April 23 to April 25, 2024.
Mobility aims to develop theoretical knowledge for the NDAL staff and familiarize themselves with the organisation and practical execution of the International Regate of the Italian Naval Academy. Mobility participants will familiarize themselves with the organisation and provision of the academy's study processes as a part of the visit. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programmes for Naval Forces cadets.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff Development Mobility to the Czech University of Defence from 22 April to 23 April 2024  

Čehijas Aizsardzības universitātes personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 22. aprīļa līdz 23. aprīlim

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility of the Czech University of Defence from 22 April to 23 April 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the international summer training semester organised by the Czech University of Defence from 22 April to 23 April 2024.
Mobility aims to expand knowledge in disciplines such as military medicine, acquire the latest trends in research and development in the field of military medicine. During mobility there will be an opportunity to become acquainted with planning and realization of research activities of study organisations, to provide a presentation regarding preparation of military medical specialists. During mobility, cooperation directions and opportunities will be discussed in different thematic blocks.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff Development Mobility to the Estonian Military Academy from 26 March to 27 March 2024  

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 26. marta līdz 27. martam

Opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organised by the Estonian Military Academy from 26 March to 27 March 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the national Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Estonian Military Academy in Tartu, Estonia, from 26 March to 27 March 2024.
Mobility aims to enable the NDAL personnel to improve theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with the organisation and practical implementation of the Exercise Shield of River Emajõgi at the Estonian Military Academy. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs for NDAL Land Forces cadets.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Student mobility to the Czech University of Defence University from 24 March to 13 July 2024  

Čehijas Aizsardzības universitātes studentu mobilitāte no 2024. gada 24. marta līdz 13. jūlijam.

Opportunity for students to apply for mobility at the Czech University of Defence from 24 March to 13 July 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL organizes student mobility to the international summer training semester organized by the Czech University of Defence from March 24 to July 13, 2024.
Mobility aims to broaden knowledge in key land infantry disciplines such as various defence resources and their economic aspects depending on the different possible situations, expand tactical knowledge, both theoretically and practically, at both national and NATO levels. Significantly, a separate course is dedicated specifically to artillery tactics and how best to apply it to combat, control and command artillery units. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Teaching staff mobility to the Portuguese Military Academy from 18 March to 21 March 2024  

Portugāles Militārās akadēmijas docēšanas mobilitāte no 2024. gada 18. marta līdz 21. martam.

Opportunity to apply for mobility organised by the Portuguese Military Academy from 18 March to 21 March 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the international training module Erasmus English week for teachers organised by the Portuguese Military Academy from 18 March to 21 March 2024, to be held in Portugal. 
Mobility aims to explore the use of artificial intelligence and other digital tools to learn English and improve the learning process. A detailed focus will be on using artificial intelligence to learn language in self-learning processes.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Finnish University of Defence staff development mobility from 4 March to 5 March 2024  

Somijas Aizsardzības universitātes personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 4. marta līdz 5. martam

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Finnish University of Defence from 4 March to 5 March 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Finnish University of Defence in Helsinki, Finland, from March 4 to March 5, 2024.
Mobility aims to discuss the possibility for both institutions to exchange staff during ERASMUS + programme (through lectures on various fields of military expertise), as well as to explore possibilities for the exchange of cadets. In recent years, cooperation in the field of training of officers with Finland has been quite inactive, and such a visit is a first step towards intensifying cooperation between the two institutions, recognizing the wishes and opportunities of both sides of the mission for further cooperation. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Mobility of students to the Polish Academy of Land Forces from 3 March to 29 June 2024

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for student mobility organised by the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from 3 March to 29 June 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds student mobility on the International Summer Semester organised by the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from March 3 to June 29, 2024.
Mobility aims to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have the opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Teaching staff mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia from 19 February to 23 February 2024  

Latvijas Nacionālās aizsardzības akadēmijas docēšanas mobilitāte no 2024. gada 19. februāra līdz 23. februārim

Opportunity to apply for teaching staff mobility organized by the National Defence Academy of Latvia from 19 February to 23 February 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia in Riga, Latvia, from February 19 to February 23, 2024.
Mobility aims at conducting lectures and syndicates at the National Defence Academy of Latvia for cadets, staff and specialization course listeners, with additional focus on the military culture and practice in Europe. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Personnel development mobility to the Polish University of Military Technology from 15 February to 17 February 2024   

Polijas Militāro tehnoloģiju universitātes personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 15. februāra līdz 17. februārim.

Opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organised by the Polish Military University of Technology from 15 February to 17 February 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Polish Military Technology University in Warsaw, Poland, from February 15 to February 17, 2024. 
Mobility aims to discuss the possibility for both institutions to exchange staff under THE ERASMUS + programme (through delivering lectures on various military expertise), as well as to explore opportunities for the exchange of cadets. Cooperation in the field of training of officers with the Polish Military Technology University has been quite inactive in recent years, therefore such a visit is a first step towards intensifying cooperation between the two institutions, recognizing the wishes and opportunities of both sides of the mission for further cooperation. 
To apply for mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff Development Mobility to the Norwegian Defence University College from February 19 to February 21, 2024

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organised by the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) from February 19 to February 21, 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to Norwegian Defense University College (NDUC) in Oslo, Norway, from February 19 to February 21, 2024.
Mobility aims to discuss the possibility for both institutions to exchange staff under the ERASMUS + programme (through lectures on various fields of military expertise), as well as to explore possibilities for the exchange of cadets. Cooperation on the training of officers with Norway has been quite inactive in recent years, therefore such a visit is a first step towards intensifying cooperation between the two countries, recognizing the wishes and opportunities of both sides of the mission for further cooperation.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Romm 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Teaching Mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia from February 12 to February 23, 2024

Latvijas Nacionālās aizsardzības akadēmijas docēšanas mobilitāte no 2024. gada 12. februāra līdz 23. februārim

Opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organised by the National Defence Academy of Latvia from February 12 to February 23, 2024 (with a break from February 17 till February 18).
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia in Riga, Latvia, from February 12 to February 23, 2024 (with a break from February 17 till February 18).
The aim of the mobility is conducting lectures and syndicates at the National Defence Academy of Latvia for cadets, staff and specialization course listeners, especially focusing on military culture and practice in Europe. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility of the National Defence University of Romania from 12 February to 15 February 2024

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the National Defence University of Romania (“CAROL I”) from 12 February to 15 February 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the 61st meeting of the implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers inspired by Erasmus) to be held from 12 February to 15 February 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.
The purpose of mobility is to enable NDAL personnel to participate in the annual discussion and military education and training work platform, which allows to acquaint themselves with the experience of other military higher education institutions by organizing within the framework of the EMILYO for mobility of personnel and cadets (benefit to participants, institution, obstacles), as well as to discuss the establishment of international standards for quality assurance of education of military higher education institutions and to enable NDAL personnel to improve theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with the experience of other military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to familiarise themselves with the latest challenges and solutions thereto in the field of education of military personnel of the Air Force. During mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces.
To apply for mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359. It is possible to apply for participation in both events or individually in one of them.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Lithuanian Military Academy staff development mobility from 30 January to 31 January 2024 

Lietuvas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 30. janvāra līdz 31. janvārim

There is an opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organised by the Lithuanian Military Academy from 30 January to 31 January 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes mobility of personnel development to the Lithuanian Military Academy (Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija) in Vilnius, Lithuania, from January 30 to January 31, 2024.
The purpose of the mobility is to provide an opportunity for the NDAL personnel to improve theoretical knowledge and to become acquainted with the experience of the administration of other military educational institutions of the Baltic States in evaluation and improvement of study quality. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs for Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces cadets.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from 29 January to 2 February 2024

The opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by Austria Theresan Military Academy from 29 January to 2 February 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise of Austria Theresan Military Academy from 29 January to 2 February 2024.
The aim of the mobility is to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate in Multinational Peace Support Operation organized by the Theresan Military Academy. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Staff development mobility to the Estonian Military Academy from 23 January to 24 January 2024

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte no 2024. gada 23. janvāra līdz 24. janvārim

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Estonian Military Academy from 23 January to 24 January 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Estonian Military Academy in Tartu, Estonia, from January 23 to January 24, 2024.
The purpose of the mobility is to provide an opportunity for the NDAL personnel to improve theoretical knowledge and to become acquainted with the experience of the administration of other military educational institutions of the Baltic States in evaluation and improvement of study quality. During mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as to explore latest opportunities for officer exchange programs for Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces cadets.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from 22 January to 26 January 2024

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

The opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by Austria Theresan Military Academy from 22 January to 26 January 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Operations Exercise of the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from 22 January till 26 January 2024.
The aim of the mobility is to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate in Multinational Peace Operations Exercise of Austria Theresan Military Academy 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student internship mobility to the Norwegian Defence University College from January 1 to March 8, 2024

Opportunity to apply for student internship mobility organised by the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) at from January 1 to March 8, 2024.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the national Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL is organizing student internship mobility to the Norwegian University College of Defence in Oslo, Norway, from January 1 to March 8, 2024.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, to promote the improvement of English language knowledge and speech skills, while realizing practice as part of the Complex Operation Course organized by the Norwegian Defence University College. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with other participants in the course, their experience and the educational institutions represented. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Teaching mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia from 21 November to 8 December 2023

Opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organised by the National Defence Academy of Latvia from 21 November to 8 December 2023 (with a break from 26 November to 2 December).
There is an opportunity to apply for teaching mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia from 21 November to 8 December 2023 (with a break from 26 November to 2 December).
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the State Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility at the National Defence Academy of Latvia in Riga, Latvia, from 21 November to 8 December 2023 (with a break from 26 November to 2 December).
Mobility aims at conducting lectures and syndicates at the National Defence Academy of Latvia for cadets, staff and specialization course listeners, attaching additional importance to military culture and practice in Europe and Nordic countries.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Teaching mobility at the Lithuanian Military Academy from 16 October to 18 October 2023

The opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organised by the Lithuanian Military Academy from 16 October to 18 October 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the Lithuanian Military Academy on October 16 to October 18, 2023 for lectures at MARITIME OPS the Air force Command and Staff Course 2023.
Mobility aims to provide lectures within the Air Force Command and Staff Course 2023 at the Lithuanian Military Academy to representatives of three Baltic States, as well as to gain international experience by working with teachers of military higher education institutions of other countries and familiarizing themselves with their professional experience. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Student mobility to the Romanian Naval Academy from 1 October to 30 December 2023

Romanian Naval Academy

Opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Romanian Naval Academy (Romanian Naval Academy) from 1 October to 30 December 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia  (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes student mobility for the International Marine Corps training semester organized by the Romanian Naval Academy from October 1 to December 30, 2023.
Mobility aims to enable the NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contributes to improving English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to the Italian Naval Academy from September 24 to December 23, 2023

Romanian Naval Academy

Opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Italian Naval Academy from September 24 to December 23, 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defense Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL holds student mobility for the International Autumn Training Semester organized by the Italian Naval Academy from September 24 to December 23, 2023.
Mobility aims to enable the NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contributes to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with other participants in the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented, as well as to participate in an annual leadership seminar attended by representatives of both the Italian armed forces and other European navies. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility of the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from 18 September to 22 September 2023

Austrijas Terēzas Militārā akadēmija

There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from 18 September to 22 September 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise from September 18 to September 22, 2023 in Austria.
Mobility aims to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate during the International Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise organised by the Theresan Military Academy. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

European Security and Defence College staff development mobility from 12 September to 15 September 2023

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledža

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility at the European Security and Defence College from 12 September to 15 September 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, from 12 September to 15 September 2023 the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the 59th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus) to be held in Brussels, Belgium. 
Mobility aims to enable NDAL personnel to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with the experience of other countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to familiarise themselves with the latest challenges and their solutions in the field of Air Forces military education. During the mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Student mobility to the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from 3 September to 14 December 2023

Theresan Military Academy

Opportunity to apply for student study mobility at the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from 3 September to 14 December 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes student mobility to the International Winter Training Semester organised at the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from September 3 to December 14, 2023.
Mobility aims to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contributes to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Lithuanian Military Academy personnel development mobility from August 17 to August 19, 2023

Lietuvas Ģenerāļa Jonas Žemaitis militārās akadēmija

There is an opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania from 17 August to 19 August 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds a staff development mobility to the meeting of the Baltic Military Academy of Lithuania from August 17 to August 19, 2023. 
Mobility aims to enable NDAL staff to improve theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of international cooperation units of other Baltic military educational institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs for Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces cadets.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Portuguese Military Academy staff development mobility from 19 June to 23 June 2023

Portugāles Militārās akadēmija

There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Portuguese Military Academy from 19 June to 23 June 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the 5th Erasmus Gender Seminar, MULTIPLIER event of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Project Military Gender studies and Common Module Gender Perspectives in Security and Defence, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 19 June to 23 June 2023. 
Mobility aims to enable NDAL staff to participate in a workshop on gender equality challenges in the areas of defence and security, familiarise themselves with other countries' experiences and solutions to gender equality. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to the Hellenic Air Force Academy from 22 May to 26 May 2022

Grieķijas gaisa spēku akadēmija

There is an opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by the Hellenic Air Force Academy from 22 May to 26 May 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916 and No. 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-000055916-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL is hosting staff development mobility to the International Military Academic Forum 2023 (International Military academic Forum 2023) organised by the Hellenic Air force Academy (Hellenic Air force Academy) and to the European College of Security and Defence (European Security and Defence College) from May 22-26, 2022-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00000055916-LV. A general meeting of the European Initiative Task force on the Mobility of Young Officers (58th meeting of the implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers inspired by Erasmus) to be held in Athens, Greece.
The purpose of mobility is to enable NDAL personnel to participate in the annual discussion and military education and training work platform, which allows to acquaint themselves with the experience of other military higher education institutions by organizing within the framework of the EMILYO for mobility of personnel and cadets (benefit to participants, institution, obstacles), as well as to discuss the establishment of international standards for quality assurance of education of military higher education institutions and to enable NDAL personnel to improve theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of other military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to familiarise themselves with the latest challenges and solutions thereto in the field of education of military personnel of the Air Forces. During mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces.
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359. It is possible to apply for participation in both events or individually in one of them. Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Austria Theresan Military Academy staff development mobility from 19 April to 21 April 2023

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for of Austria Theresan Military Academy from 19 April to 21 April 2023
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy in Vienna, Noyshtadt, from April 19 to April 21, 2023 to familiarise themselves with the progress of the Brigade and Division Level Course at the Austria Theresan Military Academy.
During mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the content and organisation of the course and will be able to understand opportunities for cooperation within the framework of this level of course. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility at the Norwegian Defence University College from 30 March to 31 March 2023

Opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) from March 30 to March 31, 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC) in Oslo, Norway, from March 30 to March 31, 2023.
The aim of the mobility is to discuss opportunities for both institutions to exchange staff under the ERASMUS + programme (through lectures on various fields of military expertise), as well as to explore opportunities for the exchange of cadets. Cooperation on the training of officers with Norway has been quite weak in recent years, so such a visit is a first step towards intensifying cooperation between the two countries, recognizing the wishes and opportunities of both sides of the mission for further cooperation. 
To apply for mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Lithuanian Military Academy personnel Development Mobility from April 4 to April 6, 2023

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania from 4 April to 6 April 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Lithuanian Military Academy from April 4 to April 6, 2023.
The aim of the mobility is to familiarize its participants with the internal quality standards of the Lithuanian Military Academy, the description and development of the quality implementation mechanism of the academy, the process and challenges of implementing internal quality, as well as to promote cooperation between academies in the field of exchange of teachers and cadets. During the mobility, the internal quality systems of academies and other relevant issues related to accreditation of higher education institutions will be discussed.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Teaching mobility to the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania April 3-April 5, 2023

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organized by the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania from 3 April to 5 April 2023
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the Lithuanian Military Academy of Lithuania in Vilnius, Lithuania, from April 3 to April 5, 2023.
The aim of the mobility is to conduct a lecture in public opinion and defence policy in Latvia within the framework of the defence economic module organized at the Lithuanian Military Academy. The lectures will allow cadets of the Lithuanian Military Academy to expand their knowledge and promote understanding of Latvian Armed Forces and defence policy in Latvia. The visit will also include a meeting with the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania teaching staff and researchers, during which the latest research developments will be discussed.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359. 
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to the Portuguese Military Academy from March 4 to June 3, 2023

Polijas sauszemes spēku akadēmijas logo

There is an opportunity to apply for student mobilities organised by the Portuguese Military Academy from 4 March to 3 June 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes the International Spring Semester of Student Mobility to the Portuguese Military Academy from March 4 to June 3, 2023.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL Military specialist CD Zane Ribakova at cabinet 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to the Polish Academy of Land Forces from February 25 to July 1, 2023

Polijas sauszemes spēku akadēmijas logo

There is an opportunity to apply for student mobility organised by the Polish Academy of Land Forces from 25 February to 1 July 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes student mobility to the International Spring Semester organized by the Polish Academy of Land Forces from February 25 to July 1, 2023.
Mobility aims to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility to the Europe Security and Defence College 27 February to 3 March 2023

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledžas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the European Security and Defence College from 27 February to 3 March 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds staff development mobility to the 57th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus and the International HELPsec Promotion meeting (MULTIPLIER event of the Erasmus + KA2 Project “Hybridisation of Specialised English Learning for Security professionals (HELPSec)”) to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria from 27 February to 3 March 2023. 
The aim of the mobility is to enable the NDAL staff to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with the experience of other countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to familiarize themselves with the latest challenges and their solutions in the field of air force military education. During the mobility, participants will look at key project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest capabilities of officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility of Austria Theresan Military Academy from 23 January to 27 January 2023.

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāteAn opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by Austria Theresan Military Academy from 23 January to 27 January 2023.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise of the Austrian Theresa Military Academy from January 23 to January 27, 2023.
The aim of the mobility is to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate in the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise organized by the Theresan Military Academy. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from 12 December to 14 December 2022

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

An opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by Austria Theresan Military Academy from 12 December to 14 December 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, NDAL December 12 to December 14, 2022 organizes staff development mobility on Austria Theresan Military Academy.
The aim of the mobility is to become acquainted with the process of organizing studies at Austria Theresan Military Academy, the realization of the Erasmus + project and its possibilities at the Theresan Military Academy, to identify and expand the possibilities for cooperation between cadets and exchanges of teaching staff at the NDAL Air Forces, the undergraduate study programme of the Land Forces for cadets and staff, and the mutual academy level.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Helmut Schmidt University staff development mobility from December 8 to December 9, 2022

Iespēja pieteikties Helmuta Šmidta universitātes (The Helmut Schmidt University) organizētajai personāla pilnveides mobilitātei

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by the Helmut Schmidt University from 8 December to 9 December 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Helmut Schmidt University from December 8 to December 9, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to discuss and familiarize oneself with the organization and implementation of logistics and procurement processes at one of the Germany's largest military and civilian universities and common challenges, both during cooperation and during the training process.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Helmut Schmidt University staff development mobility from 5 December to 6 December 2022

Iespēja pieteikties Helmuta Šmidta universitātes (The Helmut Schmidt University) organizētajai personāla pilnveides mobilitātei

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the Helmut Schmidt University from 5 December to 6 December 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL  organizes staff development mobility to the Helmut Schmidt University from December 5 to December 6, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to discuss existing cooperation, develop new forms of cooperation, and familiarize the participants with the organization of the learning process in HSU and common challenges both during co-operation and during the provision of the training process.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Lithuanian Military Academy Staff Development Mobility from 10 November to 11 November 2022

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for the staff development mobility organized by the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania from 10 November to 11 November 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds a staff development mobility to the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania from November 10 to November 11, 2022 to familiarise themselves with the progress of the Intermediate Commanding Staff Officer course (VLK SHVK) at the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. 
During the mobility, its participants will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the content and organization of the course and will be able to understand possibilities for cooperation within the framework of this level of course. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually. 
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to the Romanian Naval Academy from 26 October to 28 October 2022

Rumānijas Jūras spēku akadēmijas logo

Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility to the Romanian Naval Academy from 26 October to 28 October 2022. 
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the Romanian Naval Academy from 26 October to 28 October 2022. 
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL representatives to familiarise themselves with the Romanian Naval Academy, the international training semesters and the courses it offers, and the academy's provision and training programmes. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to meet, experience and get an insight into the training process with members of the international semester.  
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359. 
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually. 
Article by: Zane Ribakova 

Staff development mobility to the Estonian Military Academy from 27 September to 28 September 2022

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for a personnel development mobility organised by the Estonian Military Academy from 27 September to 28 September 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes personnel improvement mobility to the Estonian Military Academy from September 27 to September 28, 2022 to familiarize its participants with the progress of the Intermediate Commanding Staff Officer Course at the Estonian Military Academy. 
During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the content and organisation of the course and will be able to understand possibilities for cooperation within the framework of this level of course. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zande at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to the Polish Academy of Land Forces from 14 September to 16 September 2022

Polijas sauszemes spēku akadēmijas logo

The possibility to apply for personnel development mobility organised by the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from 14 September to 16 September 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Polish Academy of Land Forces (AKADEMIA Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki) from September 14 to September 16, 2022 to familiarize its participants with the progress of the Intermediate Commanding Staff Officer Course at the Polish Academy of Land Forces. 
During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the content and organization of the course and will be able to understand possibilities for cooperation within the framework of this level of course. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL Military specialist CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Mobility to the Romanian Naval Academy students from 1 October to 30 December 2022

Rumānijas Jūras spēku akadēmijas logo

There is an opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Romanian Naval Academy from 1 October to 30 December 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL holds student mobility to the International Marine Corps Training Semester organized by the Romanian Naval Academy from October 1 to December 30, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL military specialist CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

European College of Security and Defence staff development mobility from 19 September to 23 September 2022

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledžas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

The opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the European Security and Defence College from 19 September to 23 September 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes staff development mobility to the European Security and Defence College from September 19 to September 23, 2022 within the framework of the 55th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus and the International Air Force Semester Multiplier Event, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal. 
The aim of the mobility is to enable the NDAL personnel to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of o countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to familiarise themselves with the latest challenges and their solutions in the field of air force military education. During the mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zande at Rom 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zande

Staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from 11 September to 16 September 2022

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

The opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organised by Austria Theresan Military Academy from 11 September to 16 September 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise of Austria Theresan Military Academy from September 11 to September 16, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate in the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise organized by the Theresan Military Academy. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to the Italian Naval Academy from September 25 to December 23, 2022

Itālijas Jūras akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Italian Naval Academy from September 25 to December 23, 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defense Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL organizes student mobility for the International Autumn Training Semester organized by the Italian Naval Academy from September 25 to December 23, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with other participants in the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented, as well as to participate in an annual leadership seminar attended by the representatives of both the Italian Armed Forces and other European navies. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from September 4 to December 15, 2022

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte
There is an opportunity to apply for student study mobility at the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from September 4 to December 15, 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes student mobility to the International Winter Training Semester organised at the Theresan Military Academy in Austria from September 4 to December 15, 2022.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented.
To apply for the mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility to the Europe Security and Defence College from 2 May to 6 May 2022

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledžas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte
Opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the Europe Security and Defence College from 2 May to 6 May 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL shall organize staff development mobility to the 54th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus on May 2 to May 6, 2022, organized by the Europe Security and Defence College and the 4th Erasmus + Gender Seminar to be held in Larnaca, Cyprus.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL staff to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of other countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes, as well as to explore the latest challenges and their solutions in the field of gender equality. During the mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces.
To apply for the mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Gundega Zanda at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Gundega Zanda

Student mobility to the Czech Defence University from 20 March to 16 July 2022

Čehijas aizsardzības universitātes studentu mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Czech University of Defence from 20 March to 16 July 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056 and No. 2021-1-LV01-KA131-HED-00003056-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes student mobility for the International Summer Training Semester held by the Czech University of Defence from March 20 to July 16, 2022.
Mobility aims to broaden knowledge in key land-based infantry disciplines such as various defence resources and their economic aspects leading to different possible situations, expanded tactical knowledge, both theoretically and practically, at both national and NATO levels. Significantly, a separate course is dedicated specifically to artillery tactics and how to best apply it to combat, control and command artillery units.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Teaching mobility to the Portuguese Military Academy from 6 March to 12 March 2022

Portugāles Militārās akadēmijas docēšanas mobilitāte

Opportunity to participate at the teaching mobility organized by the Portuguese Military Academy from 6 March to 12 March 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the International Training Module Erasmus English week for students held by the Portuguese Military Academy from 6 March to 12 March 2022, to be held in Portugal.
The aim of the mobility is to provide lectures on military English to international participants in the event, as well as to gain international experience by collaborating with English teachers of other military higher education institutions and familiarizing themselves with their professional experience.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Portugal Military Academy staff development mobility from 6 March to 12 March 2022 

Portugāles Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to participate in teaching mobility organized by the Portugal Military Academy from 6 March to 12 March 2022.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the International Training Module Erasmus English week for students held by the Portugal Military Academy from 6 March to 12 March 2022, to be held in Portugal.
Mobility aims to provide lectures in military English to international participants in the event, as well as to gain international experience by collaborating with English teachers of other military higher education institutions and familiarising themselves with their professional experience.
To apply for the mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Student mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from September 13 to December 19, 2021

Austrijas Terēzas militārās akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte

Opportunity to apply for student study mobility at Theresan Military Academy in Austria from September 13 to December 19, 2021.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving the English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have an opportunity to become acquainted with other participants of the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Teaching mobility to the Portuguese Military Academy from 21 November to 27 November 2021

Portugāles Militārās akadēmijas docēšanas mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for teaching mobility organized by the Portugal Military Academy from 21 November to 27 November 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes teaching mobility to the International Training Module Erasmus English week for Erasmus held by the Portugal Military Academy from November 21 to 27, 2021 in Portugal.
Mobility aims to provide lectures in military English to international participants in the event, as well as to gain international experience by collaborating with English teachers of other military higher education institutions and familiarizing themselves with their professional experience.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at 359 Cabinet.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Portugal Military Academy staff development mobility from 20 September to 24 September 2021 

Portugāles Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte

There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the Portugal Military Academy from 20 September to 24 September 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL is hosting staff development mobility to the International Military Academic Forum 2021 (International Military Academic Forum 2021) organized by the Portugal Military Academy from September 20 to September 24, 2021, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.
The purpose of the mobility is to enable NDAL personnel to participate in the annual discussion and military education and training work platform, which allows to acquaint themselves with the experience of other military higher education institutions by organizing within the framework of the EMILYO mobility of personnel and cadets (benefit to participants, institution, obstacles), as well as to discuss the establishment of international standards for quality assurance of education of military higher education institutions.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

European College of Security and Defence staff development mobility from 6 September to 8 September 2021

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledžas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte
There is an opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by the Europe Security and Defence College at the Royal Military Academy from September 6 to September 8, 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL is organizing staff development mobility to  the 51st Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus to be held at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium from September 6 till September 8, 2021. 
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL staff to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of other countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes. During the mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Air Forces and Naval Forces. 
To apply for the mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility to Austria Theresan Military Academy from 20 September to 24 September 2021

Austrijas Terēzas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte
There is an opportunity to apply for staff development mobility organized by the Austria Theresan Military Academy from 20 September to 24 September 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL conducts staff development mobility to the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise course organised by the Austria Theresan Military Academy in Austria from September 20 to September 24, 2021. 
The aim of the mobility is to deliver lectures and lead a syndicate in the Multinational Peace Support Operation Exercise organized by the Theresan Military Academy.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Raksta autors: Zane Ribakova

Mobility to the Italian Naval Academy for students from September 27 to December 22, 2021

Itālijas Jūras akadēmijas studentu mobilitāte
There is an opportunity to apply for student mobility at the Italian Naval Academy from September 27 to December 22, 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defense Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Education Development Agency, the NDAL holds student mobility for the International Autumn Training Semester organized by the Italian Naval Academy from September 27 to December 22, 2021.
The aim of the mobility is to enable the NDAL cadets to gain an in-depth, comprehensive view of the military environment in Europe, contribute to improving English language knowledge and speech skills while learning subjects. During the mobility, its participants will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with other participants in the international semester, their experience and the educational institutions represented, as well as to participate in an annual leadership seminar attended by representatives of both the Italian armed forces and other European navies. 
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Staff development mobility of the Estonian Military Academy from 15 August to 17 August 2021

Igaunijas Militārās akadēmijas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte
The opportunity to apply for the staff development mobility organised by the Estonian Military Academy from 15 August to 17 August 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL organizes from 15 August to 17 August 2021 staff development mobility to the meeting of the Baltic Military Academy International Cooperation Divisions organised by the Estonian Military Academy, to be held in Tartu, Estonia.
The aim of the mobility is to enable NDAL personnel to improve their theoretical knowledge and familiarize themselves with the experience of international cooperation units of other Baltic military educational institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes. During the mobility, participants will look at key development guidelines in the field of education for future officers in the context of NATO and the EU, as well as explore the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs for Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces cadets.
To apply for the mobility, please complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon the receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova

Europe College of Security and Defence staff development mobility on 2 and 3 February 2021

Eiropas Drošības un Aizsardzības koledžas personāla pilnveides mobilitāte
There is an opportunity to apply for personnel development mobility organized by the European Security and Defence College at the Royal Military Academy on February 2 and 3, 2021.
Under ERASMUS + funding agreements No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162 and No. 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077162-LV, concluded between the National Defence Academy of Latvia (NDAL) and the National Agency for the Development of Education, the NDAL, on February 2 and 3, 2021, organizes staff development mobility to 49th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus) A general meeting of the European Initiative Task force on the Mobility of young officers (49 th Meeting of the Implementation Group for the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers Inspired by Erasmus) to be held at the Royal Military Academy (Royal Military Academy) in Brussels, Belgium. 
The aim of the mobility is to enable the NDAL staff to develop theoretical knowledge and familiarise themselves with the experience of other countries' military education institutions in the use of ERASMUS + programmes. During the mobility, participants will review the main project development guidelines, as well as familiarize themselves with the latest opportunities for officer exchange programs in the Land Forces, Naval Forces and Air Forces.
To apply for mobility, you must complete a questionnaire and submit it signed to the NDAL PR Officer CD Zane Ribakova at Room 359.
Upon receipt of the applications, the commission will evaluate the candidates and provide an electronic reply to each candidate individually.
Article by: Zane Ribakova